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1. The general membership shall meet at least four (4) times per year in place of Advisory Board meetings.

2. The Advisory Council and Executive Board shall meet monthly. Except four (4) times a year when the General Membership meeting replaces the Advisory Board meeting.

3. Other meetings of the Advisory Council may be called by at least one-fourth (1/4) of the members of the Advisory Council or by the President or by five (5) members of the Executive Board.

4. In addition to the above, rules for calling meetings may be set forth in the By-Laws.


Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM. Due to COVID-19, we are transitioning to virtual meetings, please check back for future updates. All residents are welcome. General membership meetings are held quarterly (times, days, and location TBD). No meetings are held during the months of July & August. 



Standing committees shall include the following:

1. Grievance Committee

2. Finance Committee

3. Membership Committee

4. Community Relations Committee

5. Legal and Legislative Committee

6. Security Committee

7. Senior Citizens Committee

8. Recreation Committee

9. Education Committee

10. Buildings and Grounds Committee


Special Committees may be created at any time by the Executive Board or the President of the Association.




1. All matters of policy and procedure shall be determined by an Advisory Council, made up of at least one (1) representative and/or alternate from each building in the Starrett City/Spring Creek complex.

2. Implementation of all decisions of the Advisory Board shall be made by the Executive Board, which shall consist of the President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Financial Recording and Corresponding Secretaries and four (4) members of the Advisory Council elected by said Council.

3. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President 1st and 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Financial, Recording and Corresponding Secretaries and one (1) or two (2) Sergeant-at-Arms.


The method of election and duties of the Officers shall be defined in the By-Laws. 





Tel: 718-642-3892

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